
thanks for reading... really


we serve the ring community church, a new church in baton rouge, louisiana



sometimes it is good to write down the things that God just won't leave you alone about... so here it goes. i was reading Spiritual Mentoring and the authors discussed the difference between learning a language in a classroom and learning a language in its natural culture, contextualizing the differnces as related to spiritual mentoring. they point out that classroom learning only takes you so far, but immersion in a culture that speaks, loves, and fully explores the language takes you deep into the heart of the matter. this floored me, and i can't shake it. i believe that many of us... ok, i won't include others... i believe that i have learned much about Christ and Christian faith via flashcards instead of through the church (as in people). i know answers and facts, but i have not learned to love and cherish our beautiful and spacious faith they way God intends. i need to take my flashcard faith and put it into real life for all to see. i need to be taught, shaped, sharpened, challenged, broken, encouraged, and overjoyed through His church.

sorry... i had to write it down.


Blogger ann said...

My boss lives 2000 miles away...ok, so i just checked - it's 1419.61 miles...and because of that distance and the frequency (or lack thereof) of the actual time spent in each other's presence, he really only has snapshots of my life, of who I am and what I'm about. He forms a perception (his perception is his reality, after all) of me based on these snapshots. I get brief, transient windows in time to show him Christ lived out. Over 2 years, I've pretty much failed. I think it's because I didn't recognize the value of the opportunities as they unfolded before me. As I've grown as a Christian, I've begun to realize that my ring of influence is totally controlled by God, and if I TRULY believe that everything happens for a reason, then I must begin to take very seriously the snapshots of my life that he sees. I am, after all, responsible for Christ's reputation, for living out my faith, all day, everyday...and I thank God for His grace that allows me to try again the next time, because I always falter. I feel somewhat like a teeter totter. Paul says to stand firm - I'm more like swaying side to side, flailing my arms in crazy circles, trying to stand up straight...much less firm. I suppose that one of these days I'll catch my balance, order my heart, and learn to trust Him. Grace, grace and more grace...

07 March, 2005 19:19  
Blogger megan kelly said...

that's a good word for all of us church kids

10 March, 2005 12:44  

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