doe a deer...

i was headed home after a really good night at the ring, when all of the sudden a doe darted out in front of me. now i, known for my lightning fast reactions, managed to dale jr. my way around the moving target. she was running right to left, so i zigged while she zagged. bambi's mom escaped with only a bruised butt, scurrying into the woods. minor damage to the truck... all is well.
three nights later, my brother drew and i are headed home after a late night at jake's. when we get to morgan road, i tell him the story in "real time" as we go down the road. when we get to the place where i hit the doe, the story climaxes perfectly, and as we pass the spot i say, "dude, it was crazy"
famous last words.
another doe (which looked EXACTLY like the one from three nights ago...) runs out in front of us, and unfortunately my skills were of no use. i hit her full on... she skidded into the ditch... my truck wound to a halt... drew and i sat and just looked at each other in disbelief. he has this look of fear/shock/confusion mixed with him trying not to laugh. i just keep saying, "did that just happen? i mean, really, did that just happen?" over and over again. we got out and looked at the truck. the radiator was cracked and, well, look at the picture.
then comes the obvious question... what about the deer? we get out the flashlight and go looking for her. the trail of blood and miscellaneaous auto parts led us to the ditch, where she had landed next to the concrete drain pipe that runs under the driveway. we didn't want to get too close, probably too many tommy boy images floating around in our memories. so we stood a good ten feet away and shined the light on her. every time the light hit her eyes she would try and get up to run off. but she was hurt too bad so she would just moan and flop around.
so we had a decision to make: how are we going to put her out of her misery? clearly it would be cruel to let her suffer any more, but how to we finish her off. i told drew that we had two options: (1) we could walk home, get a gun, come back and shoot her, (2) we could beat her head in with the crawfish paddle that was in the back of my truck. i really think that we would have used the paddle if it were longer, but neither of us wanted to get that close to a wounded animal.
so we walked home, and by the time we got back she was dead.
$4231.48 in damages... thank God for insurance
i'm glad i'm not the only one who gets in wrecks...
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