the LORD is my grand master flash...

we are currently walking through the 23rd psalm on sunday nights, and someone recently asked me how God was using this study to teach me about being a pastor/shepherd. although there are many things i could list, one stands out at this point. one of my jobs as a pastor is to point people to the good shepherd, and remind them of his presence and activity in daily life. but, as many pastors have demonstrated (me being one of them), it is easy to slip into pointing them toward myself instead of God. there are churches all over the place that are known more for their pastor than their God. sort of like grandmaster flash (in the red sweatsuit). when hip-hop first started, the focus was all on the dj because he was the one creating and mixing the music. the mc's were there to draw attention to the skills of the dj and get the crowd into what he was doing. grand master flash's mc's were the furious five. somewhere along the way, mc's stopped pointing people to the work of the dj and started drawing all the attention to themselves (a la the fresh prince)... and rap stars were born. one of my jobs is to constantly draw attention to the amazing work of the shepherd. my prayer is that i will always know my role and live it out.
sorry if that made no sense at all... but it works for me