on the 26th day of christmas my true love gave to me...

i could be wrong, but it seems like there should be a cutoff date for christmas lights. i like a good light display as much as the next guy, but there are people in my neighborhood who still turn their lights on at night... it is january 7th. this does not anger me or anything like that, i just think we need some closure.
(note: as of january 29th, the lights are still on)
i have a bigger issue with the Christmas music continuing on and on and on and on... it should be mandatory to cut it off at 12:01 am december 26th...
josh, i have to admit that, although we never got around to putting up a tree, we did make an effort to put up lights on the staircase outside the apartment... and yes, they are still up - but not on - does that count?
shows ya how much she pays attention, I took them down 2 days ago. Instead of a cut off we could do what this family in Texas did. They changed their "holiday lights" to match the holiday. So right now somewhere in Ft. Worth the lights are blinking Red, White, and Pink for valentines day.
I am hanging my head in shame because as I type this on the 18th day of January (far past the epiphany, which I think is still allowable)our blue and white lights still trim our roof. Matt still turns them on "because they're pretty". Yes girls, this is what you have to look forward to blue lights and having them on far too long.
i looked at a house yesterday that still has the tree up - with lights on... and it's January 30th...
i think a covert operation is in order. we can don masks and cat suits and go take all the lights down...
Maybe they're just waiting for some well-meaning neighbor to come over and point out that their lights are still up...
aww, allison - i liked the covert operation idea much better. i mean really... josh in a cat suit? that's just too good. wait, i think i have some bandanas around here somewhere... i might even have a ski mask. when's the next new moon???
Ooo, ooo, if we're wearing cat suits, I want to be Tigger.
hey josh.. guess what? it is may and you have posted in soo long.. you need to do an update.. so many fun things have happened to blog about :)
As a note to your blog about closure,, could you please change the post that has been the same for almost a year now. You say they need to take the lights down. I say you need to take this post down from a year ago, or at least update it.
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